
"My ancestors had words for people who would do such a thing. They were not nice words."

Samurai are martial types who fight with an ancestral weapon, either for their lord or for themselves.

  • HD: 1d10+ConMod (10+ConMod at first level)
  • BAB: Full
  • Saves: Good Reflex and Will, Poor Fortitude
  • Skill Points: 5/level (20 at 1st level)
  • Starting Equipment:
    • Ancestral Weapon
    • Chain Shirt
    • Light Simple Weapon
  • Weapons And Armor Proficiency: Simple and Martial weapons, their cultural weapon if it's Exotic, and Light and Medium Armor.
Lvl BAB Fort Reflex Will Abilities
1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Ancestral Weapon, Kiai, Pledge of Loyalty
2nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Horde Breaker, Instant Reflex
3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Ancestral Guidance

Ancestral Weapon (Su): Every samurai tradition has a signature weapon type, and a samurai can imbue a weapon of their signature type to make it into their ancestral weapon. A samurai can only have one ancestral weapon at a time, and the imbuing process takes 24 hours of meditation and prayer. The samurai's ancestral weapon:

  • Has double HP and +10 Hardness. Apply this bonus first, then add in the usual HP and hardness effect of being Magic.
  • Counts as a Magic weapon (+1 Enhancement bonus to attack and damage, can defeat DR/magic, +2 Hardness, +10 hit points).
  • Counts as Ghost Touch (no miss chance against incorporeal creatures).

Kiai (Ex): A samurai can flex their warrior spirit outward as part of an attack, dealing devastating hits. Once an attack has been confirmed as a hit a Kiai can be declared, causing an additional 1d6 damage per level. This ability can be used once per minute.

Pledge of Loyalty (Ex): Samurai pledge their loyalty to a Lord. To retain this Lord, they must follow this Lord's orders and uphold any Code of Conduct the Lord obeys. As long as a samurai does these two things, they cannot be forced to act against their Lord or Lord's interests by mind-affecting effects. Samurai who have broken their vows to their Lord are called ronin, while samurai who have never been pledged to a lord or are unwilling to do so are weaponmasters called kensai. Regardless of their name, samurai without a Lord receive a +4 bonus against mind-affecting effects instead.

Horde Breaker: A 2nd level samurai gains Horde Breaker as a bonus feat. If they already have this feat, they can select another feat instead.

Instant Reflex (Ex): A 2nd level samurai has extremely honed reaction speeds. Even a 5ft step provokes an Attack of Opportunity from them.

Ancestral Guidance (Su): A 3rd level samurai can call upon their ancestors to help them find the right path in life. Up to three yes or no questions can be asked per day. The answers are always correct within the limits of the ancestor's knowledge, though they are not omniscient and "unclear" is a possible answer. Some other short phrase (as short as possible) can be given if a one word answer would somehow be misleading.

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