
Fighting With Honor


Lizardfolk Society

As a people, Lizardfolk have a deep love for stories, myths, legends, and the like. This can express itself in a number of ways, but evening meals with the community are sure to involve at least a few tales told. Traveling bards often do very well in lizardfolk villages. Lizardfolk like to reenact old battles, celebrate ancient anniversaries, and maintain other old sacred rites. Outsiders, particularly those of the longer lived races, often come to find all of this very strange, because over the decades it becomes apparent that these "deeply held ancient traditions" actually change sharply with each lizardfolk generation. Still, few want to actually bring up with the lizardfolk. The Lizardfolk language is largely a slurred derivation of Draconic with a mostly simplified grammar. It has many words from Elven and Common mixed in, and every generation the lizardfolk tongue gets a little closer to simply being Common.

Lizardfolk like warm places, and they're very comfortable in the water. They end up living in swamps a lot simply because few people try to fight them for control of a swamp, and the lizardfolk don't mind swamps at all. They tend to use copper tools, rather than iron, because copper doesn't rust (it just turns greenish). Anything that has to hold an edge is still made of bronze of course. They usually don't mine and process the metal themselves, instead trading (or raiding) others for it. Lizardfolk communities generally deal in fish, woodcrafts, and honey. Lizardfolk taste buds have little appreciation for honey, but they're unexpectedly good beekeepers, and it always sells rather well with others.

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