
"Now, listen carefully, for what I am about to tell you really happened..."

Lizardfolk are reptilian humanoids, standing 6 to 7 ft in height, with a 3 to 4 ft tail. Adult lizardfolk are about 200 to 250 pounds. They've got scaly skin that is black, green, brown, and blue. Being reptilian, lizardfolk lack body hair to style, and it's also difficult to tattoo the skin of a lizardfolk. However, painted on emblems and markers to signify rank, heritage, and past victories are all quite popular. These are generally done using a special pigment developed by lizardfolk alchemists, that will last on a lizardfolk's scales for years at a time, even in the presence of regular swimming.

Lizardfolk are considered adults within their society at the age of 12, but they don't complete their growth until around 17. Lizardfolk live about as long as humans do. Instead of family units like many humanoids have, lizardfolk child rearing is deliberately made into a strongly community effort. Lizardfolk eggs are placed into community hatcheries, and once they hatch the care of the young is managed by the entire lounge. Parentage is sometimes still obvious by unusual coloration, or can be determined magically, but it's considered extremely impolite to bring up any sort of specific parent/child relation between two lizardfolk in public. All lizardfolk in a community are simply "of the lounge".

Game Mechanics

  • Speed: 30ft land and 30ft swim
  • Vision: Normal
  • Alligator Lung: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for 1 minute (10 rounds) per point of Constitution instead of only 2 rounds per point.
  • Scales and Claws: A lizardfolk has a +1 Natural Armor bonus to AC, which stacks with their worn armor. Their unarmed attacks can deal lethal damage and they always count as being armed.
  • Lizard Tail: Lizardfolk get +3 on Balance and Jump.

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